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Hit-and-Run Accidents

Hit-and-run accidents seem to embody the saying, “adding insult to injury.”

If you are the victim of a hit-and-run accident, you’ve not only suffered potential injury or damage to your person, vehicle or property, but now also have to contend with the driver responsible for the damage having fled the scene. Finding a hit and run defense attorney is your best defense against injustice.

Understanding Hit-and-Run Accidents

A hit-and-run accident occurs when a driver involved in a collision leaves the scene without stopping to exchange information or render assistance. In North Carolina, this behavior is not only morally reprehensible but also illegal. Drivers are required by law to stop, provide identification and contact information, and offer reasonable assistance to injured parties.

Leaving the scene of an accident is a crime

As the victim, know first that the violation is committed when the driver leaves the scene, regardless of whether he or she was the party who caused the accident. Unless the driver temporarily left the scene in order to get emergency help, his or her actions can earn a misdemeanor or a felony charge.

The guilty party must find you

Even if your accident involved your parked car being hit or dinged in a parking lot, you still have grounds for a case. By law, the guilty party is responsible for trying to find you, and if he or she cannot, they must leave a note with their name, number, and insurance information on your windshield. The guilty part then needs to report the accident to the local police.

If he or she doesn’t report the accident, and the note blows away from your windshield, it’s considered a hit-and-run accident.

Getting help

The hit-and-run lawyers at Wilson, Reives & Doran have a great deal of experience in these cases and can help you resolve your claim or lawsuit quickly and to your satisfaction.

What to Do After a Hit-and-Run Accident

You’re likely feeling stress, and possibly righteous anger as well, but it helps to stay calm and gather as much information as you can. The more information you have, the better chance you have of bringing the driver to justice and helping your insurance company make the right decisions about your claim.

1. Prioritize Safety

Ensure your safety and the safety of others involved.
Move to a safe location away from traffic if possible.
Check for injuries and seek medical attention for yourself and others if needed.

2. Record the information

First, write down as much information as possible about the car that hit you, including the make, model, color, and license plate number. Anything you remember about the driver’s looks should also be recorded.

Then, before you leave the scene, try and do the following:

  • Note the time and location of the accident
  • If possible, take pictures of the accident scene
  • Take pictures of your car, especially if another car’s paint is visible on it

3. Find witnesses

Eyewitnesses can be powerful allies in helping you collect evidence. Get the name and contact information of anyone who may have seen your accident. If it happened in a neighborhood, knock on doors and ask if anyone saw the accident. If you can even partially identify the car, someone may be familiar with it, and its driver.

In the case of the accident happening in a parking lot, ask business owners to check their video cameras. A security surveillance camera may have caught the accident, or recorded an image of the car and the driver as they left the scene around the time of the accident. A hit-and-run lawyer can help you gain access to video footage.

4. Call Law Enforcement

Contact the local authorities to report the hit-and-run. Provide them with as much information as possible, including a description of the other vehicle, the time and location of the incident, and any witness accounts.

5. Seek Medical Attention

Even if your injuries seem minor, it’s essential to seek medical attention promptly. Some injuries may not be immediately apparent, and having medical documentation is crucial for your case.

6. Contact Your Insurance Company

Report the hit-and-run to your insurance company as soon as possible. Provide them with all the information you have gathered, including the police report and any witness statements.

7. Consult with a Hit and Run Defense Attorney

Reach out to a qualified hit-and-run accident attorney at for legal guidance. Our experienced team can help you navigate the insurance claims process and explore avenues for compensation.

8. Utilize Uninsured Motorist Coverage

If the hit-and-run driver cannot be identified or is uninsured, your uninsured motorist coverage may come into play. Our attorneys can assist you in filing a UM claim and maximizing the compensation available to you.

9. Preserve Your Rights

Be cautious about discussing the incident on social media. Refrain from accepting any settlement offers or signing documents without consulting with an attorney.

10. Keep Records

Maintain a detailed record of all medical expenses, property damage, and other related costs.

What compensation can I claim in a hit-and-run accident?

If you’ve suffered damages, you should be compensated for them. If you choose to file a claim or lawsuit, you can request monetary compensation for the following:

  • Medical bills (including personal therapy and prescription drugs)
  • Property damage
  • Lost wages
  • Pain and suffering

Where do I begin filing a personal injury claim?

It will not cost you anything to come in for a consultation. At Wilson, Reives & Doran, PLLC, all consultations for personal injury cases are given free of charge.

A hit-and-run defense attorney is here to provide you with trusted, effective legal counsel. We’ll focus on your claim, allowing you to focus on recovery and getting back on your feet.

It’s not just a case, it’s your life.

It’s not just a case, it’s your life.

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