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Office Injuries

Have you been involved in an office accident and need to file a workers’ comp claim? An office workplace injury lawyer at Wilson, Reives & Doran will fight to prove your claims and help get you the disability benefits you deserve.

Office safety topics are included in almost every employee handbook. Unfortunately, these don’t prevent office injuries or construction accidents from happening. The injuries sustained can be extremely painful, and they can also keep you from performing your job and earning the salary you depend on.

What types of office workplace injuries are covered by workers’ compensation?

Even if you work in an office as opposed to a construction environment, you still work with the risk of accidents and injuries. Any injury you experience at your workplace or while doing work-related activities that keeps you out of work and affects your ability to earn a living should be covered by your employer’s insurance.

If you are injured while working in an office, you should immediately seek medical attention. Even if the injury appears minor, you should not wait and see if it heals on its own. Especially if you experience an injury while working, it is best to report it in writing and get treated by an authorized doctor or medical personnel as soon as possible. This documentation can later be used as proof that the injury occurred on the date and time it did.

Whether you sustained the injury in the office or en route to a job-related task, an office injury can be damaging and can affect your ability to earn a living. Workers’ compensation benefits can help you through treatment to heal or manage your injury.

Common office workplace injuries include:

  • Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI): Conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, and other repetitive motion injuries due to prolonged and repetitive tasks like typing, using a mouse, or poor ergonomics.
  • Slips, Trips, and Falls: These accidents can happen due to wet floors, loose wires, cluttered spaces, uneven carpeting, or obstructed walkways.
  • Muscle Strains: Lifting heavy objects improperly, moving furniture, or other physical tasks can lead to muscle strains or back injuries.
  • Eyestrain and Neck Strain: Staring at computer screens for extended periods can cause eye strain, blurred vision, headaches, and neck pain.
  • Poor Ergonomics-Related Injuries: Incorrectly set up workstations, uncomfortable chairs, poorly positioned monitors, or inadequate keyboard setups can lead to long-term physical problems.
  • Burns and Cuts: Accidents involving hot liquids, kitchen equipment (if present), or sharp objects can cause burns and cuts.
  • Workplace Violence: Incidents involving altercations, confrontations, or other violent behaviors in the workplace can result in injuries. In order to be compensable, assaults between co-workers must be “incident to the employment.” Fights about football scores, for example, won’t cut it.
  • Car Accidents: These include accidents that occur while you’re traveling between work locations or on work-related errands such as visiting vendors, making deliveries, trips to the bank/post office, etc.
  • Electrical Accidents: Faulty wiring, malfunctioning electrical equipment, or unsafe use of electrical devices can cause shocks or burns.
  • Tripping Over Cords: Poorly managed cords and cables can pose a tripping hazard in the office.

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If I’ve been injured in the office, what should I do next?

First,  report the injury immediately to your supervisor in both written and oral form. After you report the injury, ask your supervisor/boss of the Human Resources department to direct you to a medical provider and then go and get medical treatment. While there’s no set format for reporting the injury, you need to do so as quickly as possible. Make sure what you say to your employer and others remains consistent. If possible, document your working conditions to help illustrate any deficiencies in safety procedures.

Then, with the help of an office injury lawyer, you can determine whether filing a workers’ compensation claim is your best course of action.

When should I begin filing a workers’ compensation claim?

If you are looking to claim workers’ compensation benefits for an office injury, you should do so quickly. Any delay in filing on your part could delay your benefits. Reporting injuries immediately and filing a claim as soon as you decide to seek benefits will significantly increase your workers’ compensation lawyer’s chances of recovering compensation quickly.

How Can I Find an Office Injury Lawyer?

It will not cost you anything to come in for a consultation with an office injury lawyer. At Wilson, Reives & Doran, all consultations for office accident and workers’ compensation cases are given free of charge.

The workers’ compensation lawyers at Wilson, Reives & Doran are here to provide you with trusted, effective legal counsel. We’ll focus on your claim, allowing you to focus on recovery and moving your life forward.

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