Types of Crimes a Criminal Defense Lawyer Can Help Defend
Our experienced and dedicated Sanford criminal defense attorneys are committed to defending individuals in all types of crimes:
In North Carolina, the potential punishment a person faces for drug crimes depends on the amount and type of drugs involved in the arrest. Drug crimes under North Carolina law range from misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia or marijuana to felony possession of “hard” drugs, possession with intent to sell and deliver (PWISD), and trafficking in illicit drugs.
Unfortunately, having a criminal record is a reality for many people. With that unfortunate reality comes the fact that a criminal record can make a wide array of things more difficult in your everyday life, such as housing, employment, family unification, and more. However, the state of North Carolina allows certain criminal records to be destroyed by court order. Expungement (also known as expunction) restores you to the legal status you held before your conviction.
Misdemeanor charges are generally considered to be crimes less serious than a felony and carry less of a penalty, however, they can still be highly damaging and lead to a mark on the criminal record of a person found guilty. Avoiding a conviction is important since it can leave you with fines or probation time, in addition to being viewable to the public.
Felony charges are the most serious charges a person can receive. There are different types of felony charges and punishment for these charges vary. Conviction of a felony can lead to high fines, jail time, probation, and more. A felony charge such as murder, drug trafficking, or burglary can be detrimental to the life and goals of a person. When you are suspected of a crime of this nature, you need to seek a capable and experienced criminal defense lawyer fast.
Murder and manslaughter charges are extremely serious charges that demand the skills of an experienced criminal defense attorney. At Wilson, Reives & Doran, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive defense strategies, from investigation, discovery analysis, and witness interviews to jury selection. We have successfully defended clients in trials involving both manslaughter and murder.
In the state of North Carolina, both DUI and DWI offenses are referred to as a DWI. Driving while impaired is a crime in any state. Impairment can be a result of alcohol, drugs, or even prescription medication. A person’s blood alcohol content level is required to be less than .08 percent to legally be behind the wheel. If charged with a DWI, you may face steep fines, loss of your license, or even jail time.