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(919) 775-5653
1502 Woodland Avenue
Sanford, NC 27330
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Murder and Manslaughter Defense

Murder and manslaughter are serious charges that demand serious defense attorney experience. Enlist the help of a trusted partner who is willing and able to fight for your best interests. Enlist the help of Wilson, Reives & Doran.

At Wilson, Reives & Doran, we work to achieve the most favorable outcome for your case. Our legal team includes two former Assistant District Attorneys with 30+ years combined experience. We have successfully defended clients in trials involving DWI, robbery, kidnapping, assault, manslaughter, and murder.

Our defense attorneys in Sanford, NC will guide you through every step of the process with competence and compassion, while doing everything possible to protect your rights and preserve your freedom.

Understanding Homicide Charges

The first step to an effective defense is understanding the charges made against you. There are several different types of murder and manslaughter charges in the state of North Carolina.


First-degree murder

Someone charged with first-degree murder has allegedly committed premeditated, intentional murder.

Second-degree murder

Though this type of killing may not have been premeditated, it was not accidental.


This is the charge of unintentional or accidental killing without malice or premeditation. Manslaughter is further broken down as follows:

Voluntary manslaughter

Often referred to as a crime of passion, voluntary manslaughter is intentional but without premeditation.

Involuntary manslaughter

Involuntary manslaughter is considered unintentional or accidental and includes vehicular manslaughter.

Regardless of the charge you’re facing, the burden is on the prosecution to prove your guilt. With an effective and experienced homicide defense lawyer on your side, you’ll be in a much better position to fully investigate every aspect of the prosecution’s case. Not every homicide case goes to trial, and an experienced criminal defense attorney will help you identify your options and negotiate for the best possible outcome.

With the help of a winning defense attorney, you have an advocate for your rights when facing criminal charges. At a time that can be complex and scary, an experienced lawyer can defend your future.

Understanding the Consequences

A murder charge is the most serious criminal charge here in the United States. It is punishable by the harshest penalties. If convicted of killing someone, you could face one of the following:

  • Life in prison (with or without parole)
  • The death penalty

The specific punishment will depend on a variety of factors. With so much at stake, your choice of representation is critical to the outcome. We understand fully that this is your life and not just another case.

The Process

When you contact Wilson, Reives & Doran, we’ll start by working with you to learn as much as we can about the charges you face. If you retain our law firm to represent you, we’ll launch our own independent investigation. Our team of legal professionals will carefully examine every aspect of your case. Once our investigation is complete, we will zealously defend you in and out of court. Your character and your life are possibly on the line, and we will work to get you the best possible outcome.

Your Life Depends On It

Whatever circumstances led you here, your strongest ally is experienced counsel. Our experienced Sanford murder defense attorneys are qualified to fight for you. The outcome of murder or manslaughter charges will dramatically impact your life and your livelihood.

Serious charges demand serious knowledge. From indictment through trial, Wilson, Reives & Doran will guide you through the entire process and help you achieve the most favorable possible outcome.

Call (919) 775-5653 or contact us and set up a consultation to speak with one of our experienced murder defense attorneys about your case.

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