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(919) 775-5653
1502 Woodland Avenue
Sanford, NC 27330
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Having a criminal record isn’t something anyone is proud of, but it is a reality for many. And one of the more unfortunate parts of that reality is that a criminal record can bar you from employment, housing, family unification, and a host of other opportunities.

The state of North Carolina allows certain criminal records to be destroyed by court order. This expungement (also known as expunction) restores you to the legal status you held before your conviction. Our qualified expungement lawyers will be able to help you.

At Wilson, Reives & Doran, we understand that you want to move on with your life and leave your previous record behind. Here you’ll get effective legal counsel from expungement lawyers you can trust.

How does expungement work?

Usually, once the charges on your record have been expunged, all records of the arrest and any court case are “sealed” or erased from your public record. After that time, you can legally deny ever having been arrested or charged with the crime that’s been expunged.

In most cases, no record of your expunged arrest or charge will appear if a potential employer or educational institution conducts a public records inspection or background search of your criminal record. It will still be viewable to law enforcement and government agencies, as well as the criminal court. But to most of the world, your criminal record will not exist.

Are you eligible for expungement?

Opportunities to expunge your criminal record in North Carolina are few and far between. The criminal records eligible for expunction in North Carolina are generally limited to the following three categories:

  • A first-time, nonviolent offense committed more than 15 years ago
  • A first-time offense committed under age 18/22
  • A charge that was dismissed or disposed “not guilty”

The state allows expungement of the following statutes:

  • Juvenile record
  • Misdemeanor committed while under age 18
  • Gang offense committed while under age 18
  • Controlled Substance offense committed while under age 22
  • Toxic Vapors offense committed while under age 22
  • Nonviolent felony committed while under age 18
  • Nonviolent offense
  • Prostitution offense
  • Charge resulting in dismissal or not guilty verdict
  • Identity theft
  • DNA records
  • Pardon of innocence

Additionally, your eligibility for expungement is based on one or more of the following requirements:

  • Fulfilling the necessary waiting period between the incident and your expungement
  • You having no intervening incidents
  • You having no more than a specified number of prior incidents
  • The nature of your conviction
  • That all terms of your sentence be completely fulfilled
  • That no proceedings be pending
  • That your incident was disposed without a conviction
  • That you completed your probation without any incidents

How can one of our expungement lawyers help your case?

Petitioning for expunction of a criminal record requires several complicated steps, all of them including technical paperwork that you’ll want to make sure is filled out flawlessly. Also, there are strict deadlines and regulations to consider.

Consider that a seasoned expungement lawyer is familiar with the procedure and can knowledgeably persuade the court to accept your petition. Consider also the stakes in the game. Once your expungement is granted, virtually all official records and references to your arrest and the result of all criminal proceedings against you are removed from the public record and destroyed. You’ll never have to fear a background check again. It’s a fresh start, if done correctly.

It’s time to speak with a lawyer

The effect of a properly expunged record is worth the time spent finding an expungement lawyer. Choosing the right expungement lawyer can make a serious difference in your ability to move forward without your old criminal record holding you back.

The expungement lawyers at Wilson, Reives & Doran are here to provide you with trusted, effective and experienced legal counsel. We’re ready to fight for you to receive a clean record, so you can move forward with your professional and personal life.

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